hows it going people this is a fun day isnt it, lets talk about games my fav games are the folowing
wona join the game click here . wont to see what it is like, there are youtubers. that are the folowing
hellsfirstwave's vids,
call of combat: the RAM series hells v mico -ep- 1of4
call of combat: the RAM series hells v mike -ep- 2of4
call of combat: the RAM series hells v ohmy -ep- 3of4 part 1
call of combat: the RAM series hells v ohmy -ep- 3of4 part 2
call of combat: the RAM series hells v sanitarium 4 of 4
call of combat randoms
call of combat: set ups on small house
BoominBigB's vids
Call of Combat Tutorial
ComandoRiv's vids
Blood War call of combat
GET THAT HQ! call of combat
The 2 mg's: Battle of the anti-air station call of combat
Call Of Combat Trailer (no where near finished)
"I'd advertise my ass if it had a website."
hellsfirstwave (Updated )
Thats what am doing, but i dont own the web site. My web site is